We constantly seek to max out the potential of our NiTi thin film technology, and to offer the novel opportunities, that this technology provides, to our customers. We therefore put great importance on continous R&D efforts. This resulted in two publications, with Acquandas as main author in collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science at …
A peer-reviewed journal article, authored by ACQUANDAS‘ Dr.-Ing. C. Bechtold, Dr.-Ing. R. Lima de Miranda and Prof. E. Quandt, has been published in Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, the official journal of the International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST), an affiliate society of ASM International. The article, entitled “Capabilities of sputtered micro-patterned …
A research paper on the discovery of an ultralow-fatigue shape memory alloy film system based on TiNiCu is now available (Science, May 2015, vol 348). The paper, co-authored by C. Chluba and R. Lima de Miranda, reports on specific epitaxial relationships between matrix and precipitates that enable at least 10 million transformation cycles without any …