On 24.02.2016, Schleswig-Holsteins Ministerpräsident Thorsten Albig hands over the note for public funding of three Million Euros to Prof. Eckhard Quandt, Director of the Faculty of Engineering, as a part of the European funding initiative EFRE. The money is intended for the „Kompetenzzentrum Nano-System-Technik“, at the heart of which is the Kieler Nanolab cleanroom facility, a 660 square meter cleanroom with excellent equipment, and it’s laboratories. Both personal and additional machines are funded, in order to further foster nano technology in Schleswig-Holstein. Another three Million Euros are contributed by the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicon Technology, ACQUANDAS GmbH and FUMT R&D.
Subsequently, Thorsten Albig visits the Kieler Nanolab cleanroom, where Dr. Lima de Miranda, CEO and Founder of ACQUANDAS GmbH, explains the company’s technology and how it enables the development of next generation medical devices (picture above). The funding within the Kompetenzzentrum Nano-System-Technik helps ACQUANDAS in its research and development activities on its unique fabrication technology, which is important for being competitive in the competitive market for medical components.
„Hier wird vorgedacht, was die Welt verändert. Ich bin sicher, dass es zum Besseren sein wird.“, Mr. Albig said (Martina Drexler, Kieler Nachrichten, 25.02.2016, p26).